Once upon a time The Finance Hive was a network of buy side leaders who met up a few times a year in interesting locations to have fun together networking and sharing experiences and ideas.
Then along came CV19 making it impossible to meet in person. But also teaching us the value of being part of a community; part of a network of people who give each other solidarity, support and advice.
Driven by need, The Finance Hive rapidly evolved from a network into a true community – actively networking and communicating daily across various digital channels. Over 5000 members representing the biggest AUM firms globally benchmark with one another as they navigate emerging technology and market volatility. They soundboard ideas and plans. They ask questions of the collective as they make strategic decisions and implement solutions.
How can we help you?
As well as facilitating 1-1 conversations based on matching priorities, The Finance Hive also curates a schedule of digital roundtables, virtual coffees, online meetings and produces insight led reports, interviews and surveys to help members stay connected, soundboard ideas and solutions, and find ways to collaborate more effectively with one another and with partners.
Great forum and dialogue. I’m learning some very important information to help drive BlackRock’s global investment operations industry engagement and strategy!
Director, BlackRock
Hive Spotlight: Director Capital Markets Americas, Deutsche Bank Private Bank
The Finance Hive is a trusted network which is proven by the organisations that attend. For example, certain firms are very secretive about how they make decisions, and even they show up. Additionally, many “real money shops” attend.
I think The Finance Hive has already established itself as an honest broker, if you will, which lends to the success of the meetings.
"As a result of the meeting I actually changed my mind on a few things, which doesn't happen often" Head of FX, Aviva Investors
Members represent: