A regular rhythm for the buy side community to come together informally to discuss key priorities, spotlight solutions, share stories and stay in touch on a regular basis. Our cafes offer a straightforward and relaxed way to expand your network, keep your finger on the pulse and an opportunity for you to connect with your local buy side community and other buy side leaders around the world. Every Café is buy side only, Chatham House and collaborative; no vendors, no media, no attribution.
Coming up…
Equities: PM Profiling
Wednesday 17th March, 12.30 -1.30 ET
Equities: Platform Integration
Wednesday 7th April, 12.30-1.30 ET
Equities: Buy Side / Sell Side Relationships
Wednesday 28th April, 12.30-1.30 ET
Equities: Capital Markets Masterclass
Wednesday 19th May, 12.30-1.30 ET
Equities: Algo Wheel Workshop
Wednesday 9th June, 12.30-1.30 ET
Finance Hive Members Include:
Hive Spotlight: Director Capital Markets Americas, Deutsche Bank Private Bank
What value does The Finance Hive bring to you?
As there’s a no press policy, people are encouraged to open up. The fact there is no sell side present shows due diligence. It’s a trusted network now which is proven by the organisations that attend. For example, certain firms are very secretive about how they make decisions, and even they show up. Additionally, many “real money shops” attend. I think The Finance Hive has already established itself as an honest broker, if you will, which lends to the success of the meetings.