As a home for the senior buy side community, our members represent the biggest AUM firms globally.
Over 5000 members benchmark with one another as they navigate emerging technology and market volatility. They ask questions of the collective as they make strategic decisions and implement solutions. They gain insights through our dedicated Pulse reports and member-based research papers, and they access trusted solution providers through our directory, which is based on recommendations and regular reviews from members to help them de-risk their investment decisions.
The network is specifically designed for global heads of trading, heads of fixed income trading and heads of credit and rates trading from long-only asset management companies, hedge funds and wealth managers. It also includes senior representatives from banks, market-makers, prime brokers, exchanges, platforms and technology providers.
The conversations actually changed my mind on a few things, which doesn’t happen often!
Global Head of Trading, Aviva Investors
"Very enjoyable and insightful. The format works well. Small, senior and interactive" Head of Trading, BlackRock
Our buy side members ask of The Finance Hive community:
- Create a strong network of domestic and international peers to soundboard ideas and brainstorm on solutions
- Lobby for change and create a less fragmented buy side voice to help drive innovation and efficiencies with tech providers
- Help navigate the tech provider landscape, get referrals from other buy side and understand why they are using them
- We want givers, not takers: make sure the network is carefully curated so everyone has skin in the game by growing through recommendation and advocacy
- Keep all conversations buy side only unless there is a compelling reason to involve a recommended third-party. Ensure qualification is rigorous.
- Focus on topics that are fresh and engaging for the whole network
- Make sure we are speaking to the most relevant people and subject matter experts to ensure conversations are valuable – go beyond just heads of trading
- Create regular touch points and bring the community together to discuss issues and provide each other with updates on a frequent basis
Members represent:
Hive Spotlight: Director Capital Markets Americas, Deutsche Bank Private Bank
What value does The Finance Hive bring to you?
As there’s a no press policy, people are encouraged to open up. The fact there is no sell side present shows due diligence. It’s a trusted network now which is proven by the organisations that attend. For example, certain firms are very secretive about how they make decisions, and even they show up. Additionally, many “real money shops” attend. I think The Finance Hive has already established itself as an honest broker, if you will, which lends to the success of the meetings.