The key takeaways from the Equities live meeting!
Optimising Workflows
- Whatsapp recording solution is a game changer
- Use a chat bot for research distribution
- We should make more use of centralised business information & communication channels to speed up conversations internally and externally
- Alerts on trading into Symphony + TCA records + EMS Connection
- Standardized formats across platforms (use tags etc)
- Interest in flextrade EMS/OMS
- Can access non front office workflows across firms
- Inter company communications needs to be worked on as we return to the office.
- Consolidation of bots/messaging solution to IB availabilities across middle/back office
- Increasing need to disrupt RFQs workflow
- Consolidating quotes/chats/alerts/signals is a holy grail!
- App to consolidate communication + built automation on top
- Set up real time market data alerts for wheel flow
- There is a lack of resources to build workflows on the buy side. Symphony solution can help with this.
- There is the ability to use the system for more than chats – e.g. holdings, reports and new issuance
- Can make use of internal teams’ coding ability and build own tools and workflow solutions
- Some trading desks are retiring their dealerboards – does this mean no more phone calls?
- Younger traders are more willing to code/take on projects
- Optimising newsflow through automated processes is a possibility that can enhance PMS experience but needs the correct filtering
Market Microstructure
- Additional UI needed to level the conditional playing field
- Useful cost insight into trading the close. Good to see similar views on overall use of TCA in volatile markets
- TCA can be a helpful tool but it is also important to take liquidity when you can not when you need to
- There is a lack of understanding of the real cost of trading in a closing auction
- It costs 0.4bps to trade with LSE in the close vs. 0.8bps in Europe. Needs reviewing.
- Volatility can lead to disincentives for block trades, but although this may be true from a TCA perspective, the focus should be on the trader being able to explain decisions as he made them.
- TAL volumes are low
- LSE closing auction is good value
- Shoren TAL to encourage move interaction
- More conversations with traders needed about their mechanics
- Need to push brokers on TAL adoption
- Want the ability to interact with £100m and blocks if/when a previous block happened
Venue Selection
- The European market is 10x less liquid than in the US. Some questions to ask brokers by buy side firms should be communicated by CBOE.
- Consolidated tape will add to market resilience
- Broker customisation is different for each desk
- Some firms customise on venue selection and some leave it to the brokers.
- Better algo questions needed by the buy side to assess brokers
- Should be more proactive in discussing how self directed algos interact with periodics
- More transparency from brokers about how they participate in venues is needed
- Venues / exchanges can help buy side firms hold brokers to account and to ask the right questions
- General view that there has never been such a large difference in algo performance across providers
- Smaller providers are more flexible and offer better overall service
- Broker customisation of algos is important. The turnaround time for implementation of change is still too big. Once a need for change is identified, it should be quicker to implement.
- Highlighted the need to review how quickly brokers adapt to new venue functionality & order types
- More communication and knowledge on order types needed so buy side can question the brokers
- Brokerlogic may not be listening to the venue data leading to missing liquidity
- More information on order types empowers the buy side to ask more + better questions
- Not having a consolidated tape is part of the reason for no IPOs in EU
- Look to spend time analysis fill/venue data on past trade basis
Data Analysis
- It’s very useful to benchmark against peers
- Strong focus on execution – short term vs overlay / long term exposure management
- The feedback loop from data analysis direct into EMS is the next challenge to overcome
- PA profiling should be taken into consideration
- Data is clearly central to the investment + execution process and is a key requirement to achieving the marginal gains we strive for in performance
- How can you measure the decision process of the fund manager?
- Still need better and more informative pre-trade data
- Analysing slippage/ trade performance from PM decision to trade as opposed to order pick up.
- PM decision time to order generation. How can we measure time & cost?
- Greatest impact on the TCA is looking at the unrealised point of the trade
- Click reduction = increased efficiency
- Moving desktop to become far more connected, using apps together vs.individual at present. Speed and efficiency tangible to help justify internally.
- Not just for trading – it’s relevant inter-team
- Possibility of moving from ‘jack of all trades’ systems to specialist ones.
- Interoperability is being able to unify data/processes across platforms.
- There is a clear need for systems to speak to each other
- Business should drive desire to ensure interoperability for workflow and systems – don’t just leave to IT.
- FDC3 – is the new standard of systems talking to one another
- System interoperability – the key is different systems must integrate well together
- There are actually ways to get systems to talk to one anotherGive the user the capacity to bias workflow
- Interoperability improves efficiencies
- It’s a basic concept but effective
- The buy side needs to understand what we want to improve and work on one thing at a time
- Technology has advanced – what seemed like a pipedream may be possible now. It is time to revisit previous plans
Desktop Interoperability
- Click reduction = increased efficiency
- Moving desktop to become far more connected, using apps together vs.individual at present. Speed and efficiency tangible to help justify internally.
- Not just for trading – it’s relevant inter-team
- Possibility of moving from ‘jack of all trades’ systems to specialist ones.
- Interoperability is being able to unify data/processes across platforms.
- There is a clear need for systems to speak to each other
- Business should drive desire to ensure interoperability for workflow and systems – don’t just leave to IT.
- FDC3 – is the new standard of systems talking to one another
- System interoperability – the key is different systems must integrate well together
- There are actually ways to get systems to talk to one anotherGive the user the capacity to bias workflow
- Interoperability improves efficiencies
- It’s a basic concept but effective
- The buy side needs to understand what we want to improve and work on one thing at a time
- Technology has advanced – what seemed like a pipedream may be possible now. It is time to revisit previous plans