Fixed Income EU Members Meeting

19 March 2026
Venue: TBC, London

Tailored exclusively for:
Heads of Fixed Income Trading, Heads of Trading Technology, Senior Fixed Income Traders, Treasury Heads, Currency Managers, and our Hedge Fund, Sovereign Wealth Fund, Pension Fund and Corporate members…

The number of Fixed Income Hive members has grown significantly over the last few years, and we have kept the buy side connected through a series of breakfast meetings, digital sessions and in-person events. With an agenda designed by our buy side members, this meeting will focus on the challenges and industry initiatives that matter most to you. Whether your priority is to evaluate the latest technology, connect with peers, or benchmark as a buy side group on shared approaches in a confidential Chatham House setting, this is your platform to set the tone for 2026.

Together, through a day of collaboration and discussion, we’ll build a collective buy side voice to positively influence market structure, and shape technology advancements for the year ahead.

Our Fixed Income EU members represent trading heads from the top bracket of asset managers and hedge funds, and the members meeting is open to 80 buy side attendees, 12 solution providers and 1 sell side.
Join senior representatives from leading buy side firms and be part of the conversation.

Your Peer Group Is Your Secret Source – Closed doors, Open minds, Chatham House Rule applies.



Our roundtables are all supported and led by an industry leader, facilitating group conversation, designed to help drive forward key market structure and technological initiatives

The framework of our residential agendas is designed around roundtable discussions. All discussions operate under Chatham House Rule, allowing for an open dialogue and free flow of ideas in a trusted setting.

Solution Spotlights

Our spotlights allow partners to showcase their solution in a private room, enabling members to see it in action, evaluate with their peers and provide direct feedback

Based on the most common investment areas within our buy side community, we match our members with recommended third party technology vendors.


Our educational masterclasses provide a more in-depth, hands-on private workshop led by an industry thought leader in a particular field, promoting an interactive learning experience

Each masterclass is open to 12-15 buy side attendees, grouped based on a common learning. This classroom style format allows the group to deep dive into a particular area, led by an industry expert.

1-2-1 Meetings

We incorporate dedicated 20-minute 1-2-1 meeting slots to connect members with other industry leaders who can help them with their key projects across the year

By understanding members most pressing concerns, we pair meetings with buy side members who are best placed to help each other with their own internal initiatives, technological investment areas and projects.


Was good to speak to peers and find out if we are on similar pages/facing the same issues and what not.

Product Manager, Putnam Investments

Excellent day. Relevant buy side attended. Useful roundtable discussions with action points for me to feed back to my desk.

Trader/Head of Treasury, Odey Asset Management

A good opportunity for honest conversation.

Deputy Head of Equities Dealing Desk, M&G Investments

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