The level to which automated trading has been embraced by buy side FX desks is diverse to say the least.
Since the start of May we have hosted multiple discussions with members focusing on automation, and while some firms have detailed over twenty years of experience using algos and fully electronic trading, others are yet to test the waters and still rely on excel spreadsheets and voice trading to get their currency trades done.
This report pulls together the insights from these sessions, along with on the record buy side commentary. We also invited Hive recommended partner FX Connect to share their biggest takeaway from the roundtable discussions they have hosted and their number one tip for members as they embark on their automation journey.
Due to the circumstances it was more difficult for the sell side to make prices as they normally would and we found using algos to be more robust – probably about 70% of our business was going through algo or RFS during this time which is much more than usual.”
Head of FICC Trading, Manulife Asset Management
Download the report to read the findings.