Our members have told us that they want to collaborate to make portfolio trading as efficient and effective as possible. They’ve also expressed interest in the volumes and developments of portfolio trading that have enabled them to engage with this protocol more frequently. As a result, we recently brought together 20 European heads of desk to benchmark, brainstorm, and share experiences on how buy side leaders are utilising portfolio trading on the desk.
The report provides some of the key takeaways and advice from the discussion, focusing on the 5 core areas listed below:
- Engaging in Portfolio Trading
- Measuring the Success vs. Line-by-Line Trading
- Justifying the Trading Costs
- Engaging with Your Sell Side Counterparts
- The Next Steps for Portfolio Trading
Register to read the full report!
We have ongoing discussions with our sales and the portfolio trading desks to ensure that they are positioned correctly to be competitive, and after receiving the prices back, we give counterparties the opportunity for improvement should we not be satisfied with the prices or should they be really close. Should there be 1 or 2 line items that are causing the portfolio trade to be more expensive, we will engage with the counterparties on substituting these bonds out for more suitable ones.”